Music Addiction Magazine
By Kylee Thompson
What better way to spend your Easter Sunday then to spend it at a concert. Edmonton got some bad news that Rise Against would have to cancel their show due to Covid cases within their band/ or close contacts. With the cancelling of one concert came an impromptu show with Stick To Your Guns and Pennywise the acts that would’ve been opening for Rise Against. So to be completely honest with you punk isn’t really my jam. I don’t hate it by any means, it’s just not my go to genre. With that being said I only knew two songs of Pennywise’s going into the show, but I was still looking forward to it. The last punk show I went to was back in 2019 with Bad religion and NOFX. First up was the guys from Stick To Your Guns. I had never heard or seen these guys before. I would say this was just what everyone needed to get them even more in the mood for Pennywise. The lead singer of keep asking the crowd to start a circle pit and so they did. It’s nice to see mosh pits and circle pits again but I’m glad I wasn’t in it. From a photographer’s point of view the lighting was a little challenging as it was quite dark with a lot of red lights. That something we as photographers care about and we are probably the only ones that give a shit about it. Great set, I would definitely like to check these guys out again next time they are in town. Onto Pennywise, oh man these guys know how to get their fans pumped up. They played a mix of originals and covers. Some covers such as fight for your right and TNT. Of the two songs that I knew by Pennywise when I heard the guitarist say you the words, “It’s always going to be us against them.” I just knew the next song was going to be Fuck Authority. Until this show I forgot how fast paced punk music can be. It was a nice change from what I’ve been currently listening too. To end off the night unless there was a encore that I missed they played Bro Hymn. One of their more well known songs I believe and, the second of the two songs that I knew. For a show that was put together in about six hours, as you can see in the pictures they had a pretty good turn out with about 450-500 people from what I heard. I’m glad fans were still able to get in some of the music Sunday night while others will just have to wait a little longer until Rise against can return. If you went what did you think of last nights show?
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February 2025